23-24 Oct 2024 Bejaia (Algeria)

Instructions for the authors

 Contributions of interest can be both theoretical and practical and must focus on the use of mathematical tools. Papers with a special focus on Algerian or MENA region case studies are highly encouraged. The papers can be written in English, French, or Arabic.

Types of considered manuscripts:

Three types of submission are allowed for this conference:

Type I. Extended abstracts: extended abstracts of at most two pages are considered for both oral or poster presentation. The abstract must be structured as follows: background, objective, methodology, main results, and conclusion. Please use the conference template (Word template, LaTeX template).    

Type II. Full papers: full papers of at most 6 pages, following the conference template (Word template, LaTeX template), are also considered for oral or poster presentation.   

Type III. published papers: published papers are also accepted for oral presentation.

Submitted abstracts and full papers will go through a blind review. The accepted ones will be included in the proceedings of the conference. Submission of type III (published papers) will be accepted following their relevance to conference topics, and will not be included in the proceedings. Please note that a very restricted number of published papers will be considered. 

 Abstracting and indexing :

The proceedings of this conference will be published in a book of abstracts edited by the CREAD (with an ISBN). Moreover, a special issue in the “Séminaire Mathématique Béjaia, LaMOS” journal is planned. 

 Submission process:

If you don't have an account on sciencesconf.org, please create one, by using the button at the top (shown in the following figure)


Once created, use the submission button on the main menu and follow the different steps.

If you already have a sciencesconf.org account, please use it to login and then use the Submission button.

Registration fees:

There are no registration fees for this conference.

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